Saturday, October 1, 2011


Dr. Masaru Emoto's book, The Hidden Messages in Water, discloses his research on the simple molecule, which comprises 70 percent of the adult human body. Dr. Emoto provides evidence of the impact of our word and thoughts on the crystalline structure of water exposed to words or phrases, either written or spoken, such as "Love," "Gratitude," "Thank You" or "You're Beautiful," the water forms beautiful crystals. The same is the case if the water is exposed to the music of Beethoven, Mozart or Chopin.

Whereas, under the same conditions, if the water is exposed to the words "You Fool," "Hate," "War" or heavy-metal music, the crystals are malformed and fragmented.

Every molecule of water in our body knows every thought we think and every word we say and responds in kind. The same is true for every cell of our body that contains water. And, as far as I know, they all contain water.

If we sent forth kind and loving thoughts and words toward ourselves and others, our body's molecules and cells manifest that loving, healing energy.

Likewise, if we send forth fearful or angry thoughts or words toward ourselves and others, we pollute our body with toxic energy and create ill health.

Listen to your words and thoughts. Your health depends on it.

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