Sunday, October 16, 2011


Over the last fifteen years, my writing has been subjected to the scrutiny of a number of human editors. From them, I learned much.

Now, I am edited by a computer. Often, my computer program is my best friend. Other times, it makes me laugh. Its lack of a brain creates a nonsensical sentence or two. However, I am sure the sentence is well punctuated.

My program is very picky about my repeating a word. I frequently over-ride its suggestions. The repetition clarifies my point.

This electronic gadget also chastises me for my long sentences. I have become used to it. The program will have to get over it. My name goes at the top or bottom of the page.

I often enjoy a country spin on things. My rural vernacular is also subjected to my electronic editors scorn. Sometimes I spiff it up a little and, other times, I don't.

Well, for the moment, I have run out of words. So, I will check with my editor and see how I fared on this piece.

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