Sunday, October 16, 2011


Following a suicide, I have repeatedly heard mourners espouse the departed is free of pain and in a peaceful place.

I'm not so sure about that. I have also heard and read that when a soul exits its body, self-induced or otherwise, it vibrates at the same energetic frequency as it did during its embodiment. For me, this belief resonates true.

I also believe that each soul incarnates on the planet to grow spiritually and/or to help others grow spiritually.

For many years of my life, I suffered from severe depression and was daily suicidal. The only thought that kept me alive was my belief in reincarnation. I reasoned that I wanted to learn whatever lessons I came for, because I sure didn't want to repeat this sucker again.

After growing, and continuing to grow, through my pain, I smile over the latter paragraph. For I now have a much broader awareness of the purpose and meaning of this incarnation.

For now, my message is:

"No matter what your pain, pray and don't hurt yourself."

"And don't quit before your miracle."

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