Sunday, October 2, 2011


Recently, a friend asked me, "Are you ever afraid?"

My immediate answer was, "No."

What I meant by that statement is that fear does not run or control my life. Certainly, being human, I have the occasional niggling fears about my health or my finances. But, through years of practice, my next thought is that the Universe always supplies my needs, not my wants, and all I really need is food, clothing and shelter. The second thought restores my internal peace.

For many years, I have practiced two principles:

- I turn my will and my life over to the care of the Higher Power of my understanding.

- I seek through prayer and meditation to improve my conscious contact with that Power, or God, and I pray only for the knowledge of God's will for me and the power to carry it out.

For me, if I practice these principles to the best of my ability, there is an inherent promise that I will be taken care of, and I will be given the power necessary to do my Higher Source's will.

I have a daily choice. However, when I work to align my will with the Divine will, I am peaceful, free of fear and things just seem to turn out better.

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