Sunday, December 4, 2011


Are you wondering what to buy for someone who has everything he or she needs, plus some? For the child who has a myriad of toys, are you tired of throwing money down the drain? I am certainly tired of buying presents for folks that don't need anything.

I have struck upon the perfect solution, Heifer International, ( For less than you would spend on an unneeded item, you can change a family's future.

For the past few years, I have given my adult children and their spouses a llama ($150), sheep ($120) or goat ($120). I have stayed on the practical side with my six
grandchildren, clothes. Each one of them also receives a flock of chicks, ducks or geese ($20), honeybees ($30) or trio of rabbits ($60). For those of you who are more affluent, consider a water buffalo ($250), heifer ($500) or camel ($850).

Included in their Christmas card, which states their gift to another, I include a sheet on how that particular animal or group of animals can create a new life for those who live in great need. My grandchildren enjoy reading about how their gifthelps someone else.

Last year, a friend of mine gave her husband a goat. She thought it matched his personality. He laughed.

Purchasing any one of these gifts can help nourish and create an income for a family. With the money, children can receive an education. As their animals multiply, part of recipient's obligation is to pass on a portion of their offspring to others in their community. Make a difference with your money. Help others.

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