Saturday, December 17, 2011


Yesterday, I traversed my 65th birthday. Yes. Medicare.

I received two wonderful cards. I'll lay some of their wisdom on you.

One began with, "On your birthday let's analyze your mind with this fun test! The answer will reveal your mental attitude?"

"Which of the following would you prefer to receive?"
A. a cake
B. a present
C. money
D. a card

With retirement in mind, I choose money.

The test results were printed inside the card. If you choose -

A. (a cake)It means you are practical. You are satisfied with the barest essentials of life.

B. (a present) It means you are optimistic and you enjoy surprises.

C. (money) Indicates you are highly imaginative. You believe in the impossible(like opening this card and finding money in it).

D. (a card) This shows you are a realist. You don't expect too much, and in this case, you were not disappointed.

A good laugh was had by all, especially me.

I'll share the second card later.

Many Blessings L.B

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