Monday, August 8, 2011


In my thirty-nine year medical career, I studied much, listened to many, reflected and synthesized. In 1996, the cosmic computer pressed print, and words began to flow through me and onto paper.

As I approach retirement, professional constraints are lifting, and all that I am can become visible. My favorite motto for this process is "let it rip."

I was reared in rural Oklahoma, a shameful fact in my young mind, so I attempted to eradicate my roots with education.

Even worse, I was born female, a birth defect in my patriarchal origins. Therefore, I had to be as good as or better than any man. Brains were my winning ticket.

After fifteen years of college and professional training and many years of living, I developed insight, into myself and others. When used for the highest good of all concerned, an educated mind is a blessing. However, there are many recipients of excellent educations with bloated egos, who spew forth on any and all topics, as if they were supreme authorities. Actually, they have barely skimmed the surface of true understanding or wisdom.

I am no longer impressed by any one's education or the amount of money in their bank account. I am more interested by the nature of their soul and their ability to be loving, kind and compassionate to all.

As the years passed, I came to value my country roots. Oklahomans' feet are firmly planted in the red earth. They also have good, common, horse sense and a belly-laughing sense of the absurd.

As for being a woman, I consider my gender to be one of my greatest assets. Women, more often than men, tend to listen to and follow their intuitions, their inner knowings. I, along with many others, consider intuition to be the highest form of intelligence and a direct extension of the collective unconscious, which is also called the Akashic Field and Divine Intelligence.

ROLLING COMMENTARIES: This title is based on my travels in life and on the planet. I spend much of my time in silence and solitude, my form of meditation, and a myriad of thoughts and topics flow into my consciousness.

In the springs and summers of 2009 and 2010, I travelled five times to the coast of North Carolina. The following series, which includes over fifty pieces, came to me during those travels. This series will be followed by many others.

The "Addendums" are personal notes made the date of the blog's post.

May your journeys be blessed.
Linda Bowlby, M.D.

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